2024 Trifecta World Championships in Sparta!
Published on: November 10, 2024

Congratulations to Tobias Pfeffer for an impressive performance at the 2024 Trifecta World Championships in Sparta! Photoreactor is proud to have sponsored Tobias, who took on one of the most challenging endurance events, completing three races in three days: the Sprint (5 km), Super (10 km), and Beast (21 km).
Across these races, he conquered over 70 obstacles, testing his strength, resilience, and skill on this global stage.The Trifecta World Championships in Sparta is no easy feat, and Tobias’s performance exemplified resilience, focus, and a commitment to excellence—qualities that align with our core values.
Thank you, Tobias, for your hard work and dedication. Here’s to many more successes ahead!
Publication: Synthesis of Sterically Hindered Primary Amines by Concurrent Tandem Photoredox Catalysis
Published on: January 21, 2020

The Photoreactor TAK120 has proven itself valuable in industrial scale research: Researchers from the Columbia University, New York, and from Merck & Co. report a method which utilizes photoredox catalysis to couple readily available O-benzoyl oximes with cyanoarenes to synthesize primary amines with fully substituted α-carbons. This method enables the synthesis of amines with α-trifluoromethyl functionality: "Synthesis of Sterically Hindered Primary Amines by Concurrent Tandem Photoredox Catalysis" Nicastri, Lehnherr, Lam, DiRocco, Rovis, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 2, 987 – 998. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b10871. Have a look at the paper here:
Publication: Photoreduction of Arenes and Heteroarenes
Published on: November 4, 2019

The Photoreactor TAK120 has been frequently used in Professor König's lab and was applied in their recent publication in Angewandte Chemie where they achieved the direct reduction of aromatic compounds using visible-light photoredox catalysis: "Birch-Type Photoreduction of Arenes and Heteroarenes by Sensitized Electron Transfer" Chatterjee, König, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 2 – 8. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201905485. Have a look at the paper here:
Video Release
Published on: January 28, 2019

We are excited to announce the release of the product video of the Photoractor TAK120. Check it out on our Facebook Page!
Product Video
Published on: November 2, 2018

Our student team worked very hard on a product video of our Photoreactor.
With help from Prof. Dr. Oliver Tepner, who kindly provided the shooting location, we got to finish the film shooting. The video will be presented to you quite soon. Check out our facebook page for further information. Special Thanks to: Prof. Dr. Oliver Tepner Claudio Höll Rebecca Daiminger Sarah Stock

26. Lecture Conference on Photochemistry
Published on: September 12, 2018

The Technical University of Munich hosted the 26th Lecture Conference on Photochemistry.
HK Testsysteme had an exibition stand at this fair. Thanks to all visitors who shared information, insights, and contacts with us.
Photoreactor TAK120
Published on: August 20, 2018

The Photoreactor TAK120 is a powerful device for irradiating chemical reactions with visible light. The reactor stands for conformity and reproducibility in the field of photocatalysis. Providing a maximum of 7 Watts of irradiation power per slot, the reactor can conduct up to 10 reactions simultaneously. Due to this remarkable high irradiation density, the required processing time of reported photoreactions has successfully been shortened to a fraction. An effective air-cooling system is used to cool the LEDs as well as the reactions, themselves, and keep them near room temperature. The reaction temperature can be monitored by an (optional) integrated sensor. The standard light colors are green (530 nm) and blue (455 nm). UV and IR light-systems are available on demand.